Barnado'sPeterborough Lions are pleased to announce that you can now obtain your quiz leaflets from Barnados charity shop in Werrington.

In common with other charities that sell the quiz for us, 50% of the value of the sale will go directly to Barnados with the other 50% coming back to Lions for the many other projects we support.

A full list of locations is maintained here.

Peterborough Lions are pleased to report that we will be at Sainsbury’s in Bretton on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th November and the following week at Sainsbury’s on Oxney Road on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th.

Please do come along and say hello, and buy a quiz leaflet (or two!). For any organised shoppers planning a month ahead they make great stocking fillers, and we really appreciate all your support. A huge thank you also goes to Sainsbury’s for allowing us to use them as venues.

It can’t really be that time again already, can it?

But yes, it is – the Peterborough Lions 2016 Quiz Sheets are now on sale! A highlight of the year for many people, and an chance to bang heads against the wall in frustration for others, it’s always a fantastic opportunity to test those brain cells and help us raise money for fantastic causes.

As usual you’ll be able to pick up a copy from one of several local shops and charities (if you’d like to support us by selling the quiz please get in touch), or directly from us in person at one of several locations throughout the city over the next couple of months, particular when we’re out with the Carol Float nearer to Christmas – our diary will have locations and dates when they’re available. You can also buy them online (£1 postage charge applies no matter how many you buy, and we still have some from previous years available if you missed them).

For 2016 we’re “Out and About in the U.K.” for our theme, with answers relating to places to visit and events to see around the United Kingdom. A sample to get you started: do you know which is the largest gothic cathedral in England? (Two word answer, 4 and 7 letters respectively.) I’ll be honest – I didn’t know the answer, but I do now as that sample is already filled in for you, so if you’re stuck you can always buy the quiz just to find out!

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The price is unchanged from the last few years at £1.50, and you can win prizes of up to £100!

You only have until 16th January to get your answers to us, so don’t delay in hunting us down and buying one (or more). We desperately need your help in raising money for wonderful causes, including for a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) device for kidney cancer research, a hearing dog for a deaf child, and for Addenbrooke’s Hospital, amongst others.

So massive thank-yous in advance for your support, and good luck!

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C n y u fill the g ps?

Peterborough Lions are proud to be supporting the National Blood Service “Missing Type” campaign, highlighting the shortage of blood across all three types: A, B and O.

Until the end of August, our homepage logo will have gaps where A, B and O belong. Can you help fill those gaps?

Visit for more information today, and to book an appointment to give blood.

Club Elections – 2016/17

Peterborough Lions Club are proud to announce the election of the following posts within the club for 2016-17:

  • Club President: Lion John Cheetham
  • 1st Vice President: Lion Bill Peacock
  • Treasurer: Lion David Pope
  • Secretary: Lion Erica Constable

The election took place at the May meeting. Well done to all of the above, we’re expecting great things from you all in the coming Lions Centenary year!

Better than the Grand National!

A big thank you to everyone who came to our Race Night at the Eye Community Centre. With your help we raised over £800 for local charities which isn’t at all bad for a fun night out.

If you missed this one, don’t worry we’ll be back, and sure to be bigger and better than ever!


Under Starters Orders…

Update: it’s tonight! Don’t forget to come and have some fun!

Less than a fortnight to go until the Peterborough Lions 2016 Race Night, raising all important funds for local causes.

The event will be held on Saturday 19th March at Eye Community Centre, starting at 7:30pm. All horses and races are now sponsored – thank you to everyone who has already supported us. Everyone else can turn up on the Saturday!

All races now have sponsors; many thanks to:

Please come along and help us all have a great evening and raise lots of money – there’s every chance you might even raise a few funds for yourself!

Peterborough Lions Race Night

race nightPeterborough Lions are excited to invite you to our 2016 Race Night, at 7:30pm on Saturday 19th March at Eye Community Centre.

This is our second year at our new (larger) venue and once again everyone is welcome to join us for a great night out. At the very least you’ll help us raise money for local causes, but if you’re lucky you might even win a little bit of cash into the bargain!

General admission is £3 on the door and includes a light buffet of filled baguettes and crisps. A licensed bar will be available throughout the evening.

We are also looking for Race Sponsors (£30/race, which includes a ¾ page A5 advert in the program and admission for two people) and Horse Sponsors (£8/horse, includes admission for one person and a chance to win the winner’s prize).

For more information please contact Lion Dianne Parkin or Lion Bill Peacock or use our contact form.

It’s been another great year for the Lions’ Quiz, thank you once again to everyone who took the time to complete and return the quiz to keep our markers busy!

Of-course the biggest thanks goes out to everyone who bought the quiz, whether or not you were able to return it. The funds raised from the quiz are incredibly important and will be put to fantastic uses. And also we mustn’t forget everyone who worked around the clubs’ volunteers to sell the quiz sheets, from a wide variety of shops and pubs to the charities and other organisations who sell them on a 50:50 basis to help raise funds for other great causes.

But you don’t care about any of that, you just want to know if you were a winner, right?

Here are the results of the 2015/16 Peterborough Lions Quiz, from the draw that took place at the club’s business meeting on Tuesday 9th February.

  • 1st Prize £100 – E O’Boyle – Peterborough
  • 2nd Prize £75 – L Porter – Tring
  • 3rd Prize £50 – J Missin – Stamford
  • 4th Prize £25 – J Heath – Peterborough
  • 5th Prize – £10 – P Way – Huntingdon
  • 6th Prize £10 – C Pairman Tillcoultry
  • 7th Prize £10 – J & S Hickenbotham
  • 8th Prize £10 – D Blundell  Moulton
  • 9th Prize £10 – J Vajda – Peterborough
  • 10th Prize £10 – M Rae – East Sussex

In total, 903 quiz sheets were returned, 26 were 100% correct.

If you won, then well done – your cheque is on its way! If you didn’t, well you’re in great company, and there’s always the 2016/17 quiz which will be out in September, and as always if you don’t want to miss out you’ll be able to buy them online!

Anyone who wants to check their answers and get the solutions they missed can download the answer sheet here: Peterborough Lions Quiz Answers 2015. Congratulations to anyone who found a perfectly valid answer to a question that the quiz compiler hadn’t thought of – you can find the range of answers accepted on the answer sheet. If you managed to find more than one answer to any of the questions then you did very well indeed!

On Sunday 22nd November, Farooq Mohammed (owner of Maharanis restaurant in Hampton) was awarded a Melvin Jones Fellowship in recognition of his support of charities in and around Peterborough.

The Melvin Jones Fellowship is named after Lions Clubs’ founder, and is the highest honour awarded by Lions International. It is presented only to those who reflect Lions’ commitment to humanitarian work and is not given lightly.

The award was made by Peterborough Lion Club President Bill Peacock and Club Secretary David Pope following a fundraising curry evening hosted by Farooq which raised well in excess of £600. Farooq has supported Peterborough Lions on many previous occasions and more than £10,000 has been raised as a result, contributing to a wide range of causes supported by the club. However the award also recognises the support given to other local charities.

Making the presentation club secretary David Pope said: “Farooq has demonstrated consistent, long-term support for the charitable sector and the wider community and we admire his personal commitment to improving the lives of those less fortunate. It is our way of showing that we appreciate his support and value him as an honorary member of our club, a position granted to him in 2014.”

“I am privileged to be able to play a small part in supporting not only Lions but many other charities who often struggle to raise funds especially in today’s difficult environment,” Farooq responded. “With the ongoing help of my staff and family I will do my best to live up to the expectations of Fellowship.”

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