Last year, Peterborough Lions were pleased to support the Raleigh International and International Citizen Service (ICS) in enabling young people from the UK to travel to Nicaragua, Nepal and Tanzania, to work with other young people locally on projects aimed at helping young entrepreneurs to set up small businesses within their communities, bringing benefits to themselves and those around them.

Volunteer Team Leader, Tom Hudson, travelled out to Wascasoni in northern Nicaragua in May, along with another team leader and 11 volunteers to work with over 50 local young entrepreneurs from 4 nearby communities, with the aim of creating sustainable businesses.

Having returned to the UK, Tom came to our January business meeting to give us a presentation showing their achievements. Over 500 community members were reached through their activities, 11 businesses were set up with seed funding (all of which are still going).

More information about this fantastic project can be found on their website.

The Peterborough Lions Club CAROL FLOAT, with Santa and his elves, is out and about! You may have seen it at SAINSBURYS at Bretton on the 8th and 9th of December.

It will be at MORRISONS’ at CARDEA/STANGROUND N. on Sat. 16th December, and at MORRISONS’ on LINCOLN ROAD on the 23rd and 24th December.

Our sincerest thanks go out to the above businesses for allowing us to collect funds which are used for mainly local good causes. ALL monies collected from the public, net only of actual direct costs, go into charitable causes. We raise our administration costs by holding social fund raisers within the club and through annual subscriptions.

If you are at either of the above venues on the dates mentioned please say hello and, if you are able, pop some coins in Santa’s tin. Every little helps us to carry on our good causes.

Peterborough Lions Quiz 2017/18The famous PETERBOROUGH LIONS QUIZ SHEETS are now in and coming to a venue near you SOON! Look out for our sellers in your local supermarket in the coming weeks. They may also be available through other smaller outlets and our 50/50 partners, other approved worthwhile charities with which we share the proceeds on a, you guessed it, 50/50 basis. This gives direct support to such charities while still topping up our funds to support other community needs.

If you have never purchased one before these are a very popular item. They can be done individually or as a family or other group (at least one regular supporter keeps them to do after lunch on Christmas Day!). Once you’ve answered as many questions as you can, you can send in your completed sheet(s) which will go into a handsome prize draw!

This year’s topic is “Tom, Dick & Harry (Pat & Den Too)”. That is, 100 questions where all the answers include one of those names lurking within them.

To see where they’re on sale locally, take a look here – if you want to be added to this list please get in touch!

If you can’t find a local seller, you can also buy them directly from this website!

On Saturday, the 19th August 2017, Peterborough City Centre will play host to an event to celebrate the CENTENARY of Lions CLubs International. It will take place in Cathedral Square and will be an opportunity to find out what Lions Clubs are all about and what we do for communities. This will be a Lions ZONE (area) event so clubs from surrounding towns will be taking part.

This is NOT a fund raising event but we are hoping to surround the Guildhall with tins of food to be donated to local FOOD BANKS after the day. If you will be in town that day and feel able to donate a tin or two please bring them along.

Club Elections – 2017/18

Peterborough Lions Club are proud to announce the election of the following posts within the club for 2017-18:

  • Club President: Lion Bill Peacock
  • 1st Vice President: Lion Richard Willis
  • Treasurer: Lion David Pope
  • Secretary: Lion Di Parkin

The election took place at the June meeting. Well done to all of the above; we’re expecting great things from you all in the coming Lions Centenary year!

On Saturday 24th June, as a change from previous Race Nights, Peterborough Lions held a QUIZ NIGHT at Eye Community Centre. Tickets were £5 per person and included a buffet supper, prepared by Lions with the kind help of members of Eye WI. The sum of £255 after expenses was raised and ‘a good time was had by all’!

The Club took the opportunity, during the interval, to also host the handover of the club Presidency. Lion President John Cheetham handed over to the new President, Lion Bill Peacock who listed the achievements of the club during the previous twelve months. He also installed his predecessor as ‘Lion Ambassador’.

The Club intends to hold another quiz night, probably at about the same time in 2018. Look out for more details in the New Year.

Peterborough Lions are well known for our annual quiz, but if challenging the brain cells isn’t your thing then how do you feel about beer and chocolate?

Scattered around Peterborough and surround villages you will find our annual Easter Egg Chicks Raffle. Finding the eggs is easy: the wonderful pubs that are looking after them for us are all listed below, and the eggs are huge! The hard part is guessing which lucky number will win you the giant egg-shaped chocolate treat, or the cuddly second prize.

How often can you say you’re off to the pub for charity? Go on, you know you want to….


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It’s that time of the year again!

Thank you to everyone who purchased quiz leaflets this year – your support is incredibly important to us and we are extremely grateful to everyone who joined in, whether or not you returned the quiz to us for entry into the prize draw.

Peterborough Lions Quiz 2016 – Answer Sheet

This year we had 950 completed quizzes returned , of which 52 had all 100 questions answered correctly. Well done to those 52, from whom the prize winners were drawn at the club’s monthly business meeting on 15th Feb.

The winners, in order of being drawn, were:

  • £100 – A. Terry (Diss)
  • £75 – J. Watkins (Stamford)
  • £50 – L. Madden (Hemel Hempstead)
  • £25 – J. Taylor (Werrington)
  • £10 – V Thompson (Billinghay)
  • £10 – F. Hill (Wiggington Bottom)
  • £10 – J Smyth (Hoddesdon)
  • £10 – S Jones (Mickelover)
  • £10 – W Smith (Werrington)
  • £10 – J Baker (Chesterfield)

If you’re a winner you should be hearing from us soon. If you’re not, well there’s always next year!

As always, a number of you found some equally correct answers to questions that we hadn’t thought of, so well done to you! The full answer sheet is attached – how many did you get right?

Little Dresses for Africa

Lions Clubs involve themselves in Community Services which can take all forms of help and support, and Peterborough Lions have been involved in a great example of this.

‘Little Dresses for Africa’ is a project to make dresses from pillowcases and other simple patterns. For many children living in Africa in impoverished areas, wearing smart clothes can reduce the risk of them being abused or abducted by making them look as if they “belong” to someone.

Working to a simple basic pattern and using old pillowcases and other suitable fabrics the “HiJack Quilters” (also known as the Sewing Club of Eye and Market Deeping) have made a number of beautiful little dresses. The Club has been formed for 2 years and is made up of 26 Members; accomplished and not so accomplished sewers who meet weekly to sew together.

The dresses were presented to District Governor Nigel Folkard at our November business meeting.

Copies of the patterns can be made available if anyone is interested as this is an on-going project, so please do get in touch!

Peterborough Lions were delighted to welcome District Governor Nigel Folkard to our November meeting. As well as providing a helpful update on events within the district, DG Nigel was also able to award several Lions with long service awards; Lions David Pope, Gaby Sharman, Di Parkin and John Hannington with awards for 35, 25, 20 and 15 years of service to Lionism respectively.

Two of these members include a substantial period of membership of Leos, the youth branch of Lions, so they have managed to hit these high figures whilst remaining incredibly young (and no bribes were required to report this!)

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