Thank you to everyone who supported our Sweet Tooth Quiz!

The closing date for entries has now passed, although we will continue selling it – and other past issues – in our store for fun and fundraising. You can also – if you’re quick – enter our Easter Egg draw!

If you still want a chance to win a cash prize, we also have a limited number of Clacton-On-Sea Lions quiz sheets available – you have a few weeks left to find the names of 100 Transport for London station names from their fun and cryptic clues!

See our store for more details!

Marking of the Sweet Tooth quiz is progressing well. The answer sheet won’t be finalised until that process completes (so we can add any alternative answers you’ve sent us that we’ve researched and deemed correct). The prize draw is planned to take place at our next club Business Meeting on 13th April, shortly after which the winners list and answers will be released and shared here and on our Facebook page.

Further to activity reported below, another significant contribution has been the provision of ‘PATIENT ACTIVITY PACKS’ (PAPs) to PETERBOROUGH CITY HOSPITAL. ANN PEACOCK, herself a former Lion and wife of Lion Bill, a very long-serving Lion and former President, has been compiling activity packs which are donated to wards at PCH. These are for patients who, due to Corona Virus restrictions, are unable to receive visitors, in order to relieve some, at least, of the boredom.

Through Ann’s good services the club has been able to fund and donate 147 of these packs in total, including child-age relevant packs to Amazon ward and, recently, 35 packs for the Cavell mental health unit. These PAPs have been extremely well received by ward staff who are very grateful for them. The packs are compiled in a Covid-safe manner and are supplied in wipe-clean plastic wallets, so that they can be disinfected before being issued to patients.The club has, at its February (Zoom) meeting voted to provide a further £100 batch of packs.

This initiative has been taken up by other Lions Clubs in E. Anglia and beyond, extending, even, to a club in Australia!


Pandemic activity update:

Well, another year begins and Peterborough Lions Club is STILL unable to hold physical meetings; thank goodness for Zoom!

As you can see below, we were forced to curtail Santa’s visits before Christmas, so our fund raising has been limited. We have NOT, though, been inactive, in spite of Coronavirus restrictions.

We have made, and continue to make, monthly donations of food and long shelf-life drinks to the PETERBOROUGH FOOD BANK – this is food donated by Lions club members. Amounts vary by month, eg September 35 kg, October 60kg, November 48kg, December 103kg, Jan 2021 35kg; donations earlier in the year were made but not recorded.

We have also supplied:

“MARY’S CHILD” (Yaxley & Farcet Churches) with a donation towards supporting vulnerable families with food and toiletries in July.

SOUTHFIELDS SCHOOL PTA with a donation towards food hampers for needy families. Made in December

The club have, in our February meeting, agreed to supply the LIGHT HOUSE PROJECT, Peterborough with a donation towards refreshments for visitors to the Garden House (Homeless support hub). This, along with two packs of coffee will be delivered later in the month.

Today, it was announced that Peterborough will be amongst many places moving into a new Tier 4 of COVID restrictions. This has forced many of us to completely change or cancel out Christmas plans, and Peterborough Lions Club are no different.

Santa joined us on a hastily arranged Zoom call this evening and here’s what he had to say:

  1. First and foremost, Christmas is NOT cancelled. Santa knows who’s been good, he knows what you’re hoping to find in your stockings, and he is exempt from the Tier 4 restriction so will still be visiting you on Christmas Eve.
  2. Santa wanted to say thank you to the people of Peterborough who have come to see him on tour around Orton Wistow last night, or outside Sainsbury’s today or last weekend. He loves seeing you, even with social distancing, and he, along with Peterborough Lions Club, thank you for your generous donations which will be put to good use around Peterborough next year.
  3. But: Santa, and all of us involved with bringing him to you, have no alternative but to accept that for this year that must come to an abrupt end. This is to protect your safety and the safety of his Peterborough Lions helpers. Santa will return to his workshop to make sure that everything is ready for when he sees you in just six sleep’s time.
  4. Santa is extremely sad that he will not now be able to tour Netherton tomorrow, nor Stanground next Wednesday. But he has assured us that this just means he’ll have to bring extra chocolates when he returns in 2021.

Peterborough Lions Club would like to add that we thank Santa for his company this year and look forward to seeing him again next year.

You can find details about the projects supported by the money raised elsewhere on this website, including:

  • Our community minibus, provided free of charge for use by local community groups
  • Our current President’s nominate project supporting Peterborough Rape-Crisis Care Group.
  • We hope that 2021 will allow the return of our annual Showtime, providing an entertaining free night out for hundreds of adults in care homes
  • Not to mention many smaller projects.

If you had planned to donate to us in person, but now cannot, you can donate via our website. You can also buy one (or several) of our quiz sheets – past and present – from our store.

Thank you Peterborough for your support. See you soon, stay safe.

Santa Update

As you can imagine, as much as Santa wants to come and see you before Christmas, and as much as we want to bring him to you, this year has changed a lot of things.

At the moment we have one confirmed weekend outside Sainsbury’s in Bretton on 11th/12th December.

We are trying to secure other dates and other locations but because of social distancing requirements we cannot be at store entrances and that prevents many supermarkets offering us the opportunities.

(We cannot visit Morrisons in Lincoln Road this year but they have very kindly allowed us to place collection tins at checkouts for which we are extremely grateful.)

We have plans to visit Orton Wistow, Netherton and Stanground with Santa but we are awaiting final permissions and insurance clearance before we can confirm dates. Please bear with us! What we do know is that even if we can proceed, we will not be able to stop for photos or knock on doors, so this will be about spreading some Christmas cheer rather than fundraising. (If you would like to donate, we’d love you to visit our donation page!).

It goes without saying that all plans will be subject to last minute changes if those involved have to isolate; the health and safety of Santa, his helpers, and everyone we come into contact with is of-course paramount.

Whatever does happen, we wish you a Merry Christmas and look forward to a more traditional one next year!

Photo credit: Diana Parkhouse

As we enter the second COVID lockdown, amongst the charities hardest hit will be the Poppy Appeal which traditionally sells poppies in shops and pubs now closed.

So from the start of lockdown on 5th November, until Remembrance Day on 11th November, Peterborough Lions Club will donate 50% of all quiz sheet sales made via our website to the Royal British Legion. This includes past issues, if you’ve missed any, as well as any donations added at checkout.

Of-course the other 50% will also be put to good use supporting great causes around Peterborough, including our President’s Project for 2020-21, Peterborough Rape Crisis Care Group.

As we struggle our way through 2020, we pause to remember past struggles, lest we forget those who got us through them.

You can buy your Sweet Tooth quiz sheet on our online store.

Peterborough Lions Club "Sweet Tooth" front cover image
Peterborough Lions Club 2020 “Sweet Tooth” Quiz Sheets

Yes, it’s September, and that can only mean one thing. The Peterborough Lions Club 2020 Quiz Sheets are available to purchase!

This year we bring you comforting questions to sooth away the troubles of 2020. We bring you 100 sweets, chocolates and other confectionary products and brands, some you can buy today, some long forgotten. How many do you know? How many will you be tempted to buy once the thought is put in your mind?

Test those brain cells or tease those taste buds, we’re sure you’ll enjoy this sweet puzzler. And with the fundraising restrictions imposed by 2020 this is by far our most important opportunity to raise money for important local causes that we still have in play this year, so please do support us!

Available now via our website store. Coming to retailers near you, where we can, over the coming weeks. (Please, if you’re able to help sell them, get in touch. You can also raise money for another charity on a 50:50 basis.)

Lights, Camera, Lockdown!
Free “Lights, Camera Lockdown!” Quiz

June brings with it sunshine, and permission to meet in socially distanced outdoor groups of up to 6 people.

But we all know that the only true joy is to be found by checking off your answers for our free “Lights, Camera, Lockdown!” quiz now that you’ve had a month to work through the questions. So without further ado, the answer sheet is here!

Thank you to everyone who downloaded either of our free COVID quizzes (both of which are still available to download), and for those who subsequently visited our store to either buy past copies of our annual quiz or pre-order this year’s ahead of September.

We hope you enjoyed them and that you’ll be back for the main event in September. But for now, pick your favourite friends or relatives, and enjoy the sunshine!

Lights, Camera, Lockdown!
COVID-19 Quiz
Lights, Camera, Lockdown!

This year our club is fifty years old, so a free 50 question quiz made sense. But 50 is only half the fun of 100, so following the success of our April “Stay Home” free quiz we’ve decided to keep your brains occupied in May as well with this second “Lights, Camera, Lockdown!” freebie.

50 movies to watch during lockdown, but first you will have to work out what they are. Then, to complete the challenge, you then have to have watched them all by the end of the month when we release the answers!

Do you think you can do that? Maybe you’ve watched most of them already?

Feel free to share with friends and family, on social media, or to print out for those without access to a computer.

More information about this and our annual fundraising quiz sheets can be found here, and if you need more questions you can buy past copies of our quiz, or pre-order this year’s, from our new store.

And don’t forget you can still download our first free “Stay Home” quiz if you missed it!

Have fun!

Today is Colonel (formerly Captain) Tom’s 100th birthday, seeing over £31m raised for the NHS through his efforts and the generosity of the British public.

COVID-19 Special Stay Home

So how better could today be to release the answers to our 2020 “Stay Home” quiz, which was compiled to provide some entertainment for those of us staying home to protect that very same NHS and thus save lives?

If you missed the quiz itself, you can still download it and give it a go before checking the answers. But if you’ve already had a go, how did you do?

Please let us know through our Facebook Page or contact us by other means as your feedback is really helpful to us.

And if you check back here, or on our Facebook page, early next month, we might have something else to keep you busy until our 2020/21 Quiz Sheets go on sale in September!

Don’t forget that our online store remains open through this period for you to pick up any past quizzes you missed.

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