Creation of the 2011 Peterborough Lions Quiz Sheet has started, they will be available from the end of August and will be for sale until Christmas. We have a lot of loyal supporters who buy quiz sheets for themselves and their friends. Many buy them as inserts for Christmas Cards, with the result we receive competition entries from the whole of this country and many places overseas.
If you would like to buy up to 5 copies, please send an A4 s.a.e and £1.50 each to:
Lion John Cheetham,
74 Thorpe Park Road,
[Note. Large letter stamps are required, higher value stamps may be required for larger orders.]
If you support another charitable causes, we would be happy to supply you with Quiz Sheets for sale on a 50/50 basis. Please telephone 01733 562057 for further details.
Venues for sale of our Quiz sheets are currently being negotiated, this page will be updated with the dates and venues as they are confirmed.
Peterborough Lions
Club is now able to accept donations online. All card processing is handled securely by BT’s MyDonate service, and we benefit from Gift Aid on qualifying donations too!
For more information see the Donate link on the right.
A selection of new photographs have been added to the site:
The dates for selling the Peterborough Lions Quiz Leaflets and for the Carol Float have been provisionally agreed and added to the calendar.
Weekend Quiz leaflet sales outside the city’s supermarkets have been agreed for the following weekends:
- Tesco in Werrington on 3rd/4th September
- Sainsbury’s in Bretton on 30th Sept-2nd October
- Morrison’s on Lincoln Road on 18th-20th November
- Sainsbury’s on Oxney Road on 9th-11th December
Dates for the Carol Float are:
- Tesco in Werrington on Saturday 3rd December
- Sainsbury’s on Oxney Road on Saturday 10th December
- Morrison’s on Lincoln Road on Saturday 17th December
- Sainsbury’s in Bretton on Friday 23rd December
More details on both the quiz and carol float to follow…..
A great time was had last night by everyone who attended handover at Highgate Hall in Elton. Lion Gaby Sharman has now taken the responsibility of club president from outgoing president Lion Paul Browne, and the event was marked with fish and chip supper and a barn dance provided by Ock n Dough.
To the great embarrassment of all concerned, some photos are now online….
Deaf Aware is the name by which The Lions Hearing Trust has become known. The Trust is a charitable organisation with objectives to make the general public “Deaf Aware”, and hence better able to communicate with Hearing Impaired Persons.
For more information please see the dedicated project page.
Of-course it’s no surprise to see several local winners, but it’s great to see some winners from further afield in the list too!
First Prize |
Mrs M M Crosbie (Peterborough) |
Second Prize |
Mr D Davids (Peterborough) |
Third Prize |
Mrs P Beanlands (Otley) |
Fourth Prize |
Mrs E Islip (Peterborough) |
Fifth Prize |
S Milward (Old Windsor)
Mr D Leary (Peterborough)
Mrs A Town (Barnoldswick)
M Cleaver (Peterborough)
A & H Davis (Deeping St James)
Mrs S Johns (Peterborough) |
Anyone who supplied a stamped envelope for answer sheets should now have received them. For everyone else, the answers are available here.
Peterborough Lions are proud to be the host of the 2011 District Convention on the weekend of 18th-20th March.
For more information please visit the convestion’s website at
Creation of the 2010 Peterborough Lions Quiz Sheet has started, they will be available from the end of August and will be for sale until Christmas. We have a lot of loyal supporters who buy quiz sheets for themselves and their friends. Many buy them as inserts for Christmas Cards, with the result we receive competition entries from the whole of this country and many places overseas.
If you would like to buy up to 5 copies, please send an A4 s.a.e and £1.50 each to:
Lion John Cheetham,
74 Thorpe Park Road,
[Note. Large letter stamps are required, higher value stamps may be required for larger orders.]
If you support another charitable causes, we would be happy to supply you with Quiz Sheets for sale on a 50/50 basis. Please telephone 01733 562057 for further details.
Venues for sale of our Quiz sheets are currently being negotiated, this page will be updated with the dates and venues as they are confirmed.
We shall be selling Quiz Sheets at four public venues.
- Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September 2010 at Tesco, Werrington,
- Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 October 2010 at Sainsbury, Flaxland Bretton,
- Friday 12 (evening), Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 November 2010 at Morrisons, Brotherhood Retail Park,
- Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 December 2010 at Sainsbury, Oxney Road,
We shall be playing our famous and popular carol float for charity donations at four public venues, in addition to free entertainments at various homes and sheltered accommodation in the city (still to be confirmed as at 8.8.10)
You can find us for public shows with Santa Claus attending at these times and places
- Saturday 4 December at Tesco, Werrington
- Saturday 11 December at Sainsbury Oxney Road
- Saturday 18 December at Sainsbury Flaxland, Bretton
- Thursday (evening) 23 December at Sainsbury, Flaxland, Bretton