All the Peterborough Lions would like to thank the people of Peterborough and surrounding areas for your support over the past year, and for your donations, whether you saw us with Santa and his Carol Float in the past weeks, or bought a quiz leaflet, or any of the other ways we’ve been supported in 2011.

Rest assured all the money raised will be put to good uses (if it hasn’t already!), and be just as assured our fundraising efforts will be back in the New Year to provide resources for welfare and projects in 2012.

We hope you have a great Christmas! See you soon!

All being well, Peterborough Lions carol float will be making an extra stop at Dobbies garden centre in Hampton, on the evening of Thursday 15th December – although the weather forecast is making it less than certain! If you can brave the weather, come and see us!

We’d like to thank Dobbies and all the other Peterborough stores who have allowed us to take up some valuable space outside their stores at this busy time of year.

The Mayor, Councillor Paula Thacker MBE, is to visit the Music and the Deaf’s fun session at Jack Hunt School on Saturday, 26th November.

The Mayor will be seeing first hand how Deaf and Partially Deaf Young People are learning to play musical instruments. The session takes place between 10:00 and 12:00 hrs, with the Mayor attending between 10:30 and 11:30 hrs.

The Music and the Deaf, Cambridgeshire Music and Britten Sinfonia are providing instrumental fun workshops with one to one tuition. The Deaf Young People will explore a range of musical instruments including an Indian Dhol drumming workshop.

Any child with a hearing loss age 8 and over is welcomed. Complete beginners are extremely welcome to come and learn to play any instrument they wish. To book a place at the instrument sessions, or to find out more, please contact Lin Heatherington, e-mail  Tel 01480 373500

It is hoped that these sessions will lead Young Deaf People to join the East of England Deaf Youth Ensemble, a new cultural project for our city.


Peterborough Lions on Facebook

We now have a Facebook page! Thank to David Bainbridge for setting this up. Take a look at – it’s a little sparse at the moment but stay in touch!


An article on the upcoming Halloween themed abseil on 30th October has been featured in the Peterborough Evening Telegraph; for more information see their website.

No sooner had the first batch of 2011 quiz leaflets gone out, we discovered an error!

Question 20 should indicate that the number of letters in the answer are 5,7, not 4,7 as printed.

If you received one of the first sheets sent out before the error was noticed and corrected, please accept our apologies for this error. We do everything we can to prevent errors from occurring, and we hope that your enjoyment of this years quiz isn’t affected as a result of the mistake.

Thank you to everyone who pointed this error out to us, and to everyone who has already purchased a copy of the 2011 Peterborough Lion’s Quiz. To anyone who hasn’t yet obtained one, what are you waiting for? There’s still plenty of time to get a quiz leaflet by post, or in person, and they make ideal stocking fillers!

World Sight Day

The last two years have seen Lions Clubs all over Multiple District 105 (British Isles and Ireland) participate in World Sight Day / Weekend walks. Some Clubs have been on pub walks and other town or village walks. Many of these have brought local publicity for the Lions Club also in many cases a bringing together of the Lions Club with both local dignitaries and blind or partially persons, all taking part in the walk.

This year Lions Awareness Week is 8th – 16th October, and ends with a sight- related day – World Sight day is Thursday 13th October although many Clubs prefer to get more people involved by having an event on Saturday 15th October or Sunday 16th October.

Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex, patron of Lions Clubs International in the British Isles and Ireland (“Multiple District 105”), officially opened the Lions’ new shelter on Wednesday 14 September 2011 at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.

Lions raised over £40,000 to create the purpose-built shelter so that visitors to the National Memorial Arboretum, which is part of The Royal British Legion family of charities, could take a rest or find refuge from inclement weather.

Escape from Hereward House of Horrors AbseilCalling the brave!

On Sunday 30th October we invite you, in partnership with the Stroke Association, to abseil down Hereward House in Peterborough, approx 90ft. As if that wasn’t enough, the bravest amongst you can wait until dark to do it….

For more information view the Escape from Hereward House of Horrors Abseil event page.

Peterborough Mayor Becomes A Lion

Peterborough Lions had the pleasure of inducting the Mayor of Peterborough, Councillor Paula Thacker as an honorary Lion during her term of office (Paula’s term runs from mid May 2011 through to Mid May 2012). Prior to her induction as a club member, the Mayor had been welcomed as a guest of honour to our “Lions Showtime” event, and we hope to see mayor frequently over the course of her year in office.

Councillor Thacker is shown here with the outgoing Peterborough Club President, Lion Paul Browne, and the incoming president, Lion Gaby Sharman.

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