We have received a photo and Christmas card from Supattra – a girl in Phuket Sunshine Village (which cares for Thai children affected by the tsunami) sponsored by Peterborough Lions. We thought it would be nice to share them with the people of Peterborough, so here they are!
Another year behind us, a new one now beginning… Peterborough Lions Club would like to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
And if you’re looking for a New Year’s Resolution, why not consider giving up some of your free time to help the community? If you are interested in what Lions do and how you can help, why not contact us?
The members of Peterborough Lions Club would like to wish all our supporters, and the whole of Peterborough, a Happy Christmas. We are extremely grateful for your support in 2012 and look forward to serving the Peterborough community in 2013.
Peterborough Mayor, Councillor George Simons, joins Peterborough Lions at the Eye Community Centre Christmas Bazaar on 2nd December 2012.
Thank you to everyone who came to see us there!
We were pleased to meet Peterborough’s Mayor and honorary Peterborough Lions Club member Councillor George Simons at Morrisons on Lincoln Road on Friday 5th October. Special thanks go to Andy Haigh, the store manager, who was on hand to swap answers with the Mayor and Mayoress and the Lions who were present.
Quiz leaflet sales continue at Morrisons in Stanground on the weekend of 20th/21st October. If you’ve missed the quiz so far, please contact us and we’ll be pleased to find a way to relieve you of your £1.50 for great local causes (and you’ll get several hours of brain stimulation into the bargain!) This year’s major project is the East Anglia Deaf Youth Orchestra with Music And The Deaf.
It was nice to see Lions 105EA District Governor travelling all the way from Wymondham Lions Club to attend our September Lions Club business meeting.
Lion Jim Cawte and wife Jennifer were present for a demonstration by Lion Mark Rogers of our sister website, Lions’ Share, followed by a question and answer session about how it works and how well it is doing. We look forward to seeing it promoted across the district in coming months.
Peterborough Lions Club President Bill Peacock presented the DG with our club banner and received one of Lion Jim’s personal banners in return.
We were also given a short introduction to the DG Lady’s 2012 Appeal by Jennifer, which this year is raising money for the Teenage Cancer Trust. For those of us young enough to remember being a teenager, it’s a difficult enough time of life as it is without also having to face the enormous challenge of fighting a disease like cancer, but sadly the plight of teenagers with cancer is often overlooked. For that reason (despite it being direct competition to our own quiz leaflet!) many club members were more than willing to buy the DG Lady’s own quiz leaflets, and the club was also proud to present a donation to the appeal to our visitors.
For more information on the DG Lady’s appeal, see the 105 EA website and the Teenage Cancer Trust website.
Now that the quiz is out there in the hands of the Peterborough public (and further afield), the unofficial supplementary competition to find the deliberate errors is in full swing… There’s something about printing a gazillion copies and getting them into the hands of the public , that helps you to find little errors that you can miss no matter how many times you proof read something!
Question 20: Apologies for the spelling mistake in the question – we have no idea what “accouncers” are either. The question should of-course read: “One of the 1st female BBC announcers“.
Question 22: The answer is stated as 5,6, but the correct spelling of the answer is actually 6,6. We will accept either spelling.
We hope these minor errors do not detract from your enjoyment of the quiz.
The following collection of photos from the 2012 Great Yarmouth Fun Day on Sunday 2nd September have been added to the gallery.
The eagerly awaited Peterborough Lions 2012 Quiz goes on sale on Friday 31st August at Sainsbury’s (Bretton).
This year’s theme is “Double Letters (People)”. Confused? Well as always there’s a sample answer included to get you started, and after all it’s just a bit of fun. A bit of fun that raises a substantial amount of money for a variety of great causes each year, that is.
In case you can’t wait, the front cover is alongside – you’ll have to wait for the real thing but it’s less than a week to go!
If you can’t get to Sainsbury’s at the weekend (we’ll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday), we’ll also be doing our usual tour of town; Tesco (Werrington) on 15th/16th Sept, Morrison’s (Lincoln Road) on 5th/6th/7th October, Morrison’s (Stanground) on 20th/21st October, and Sainsbury’s (Oxney Road) on 24th/25th November. If none of these suit please get in touch as we’d hate for you to go without. There’s also a possibility that we’ll be selling them online for the first time – please let us know if you’d be interested as that would make it more likely to happen!
Peterborough Lions are proud to be one of the 3 Charities chosen by Waitrose to receive their support during the month of August.
When customers shop, they are given a green token to be placed into a collection box which is used to determine how Waitrose distribute their charitable donations for the month. So please make sure you pick the right slot – which is the right-most slot!