A huge thank you to everyone who bought our 2013 quiz – a huge success and a credit to everyone who took part.

We had 740 completed quiz sheets returned to us, six of which were 100% correct and a further 19 achieving 99/100. The results of the draw were:

1st Prize – D Blundell, Moulton.
2nd Prize – R Dawson, Peterborough.
3rd Prize – W Parsh, Ramsey.
4th Prize – M Bielby, Leeds.
5th Prize – C Pairman, Falkirk.
6th Prize – B Dawson, Peterborough.
7th Prize – D Mundin, Northampton.
8th Prize – J Heath-Brown, Market Deeping.
9th Prize – J Edwards, Brighton.
10th Prize – C Roper, Northumberland.

As always it’s great to see winners from outside Peterborough – thank you to everyone who returned entries and kept our markers busy!

If you didn’t return your quiz and want to mark your own, or (and this probably applies to most of us) just want to find the answers to the questions you couldn’t answer, the answers are available to download here: Peterborough Lions Quiz 2013 Answers (Adobe PDF format)

So that’s it for the 2013 quiz! Take the next six months off to relax and prepare yourself for the 2014 quiz, available from September.

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We’ve had hundreds of completed quizes returned to us this year – thank you to everyone who bought a quiz leaflet for your support!

The questioquiz2013-bannern now is how many of those completed quizes have the correct answers, and who will win the prizes? Marking is underway, and the answer list is growing as we discover the perfectly valid answers that people have come up with that we’d not thought of ourselves… As long as the answer is valid (on which the quiz organisers decision is final, of-course!) we will accept alternative answers so don’t worry if your four letter answer to “small stream” is different from ours!

Once the quizes have been marked and a final set of acceptable answers has been reached, we will have a draw for the winners and the prizes (and answer sheets) will be winging their way out to people. The draw will take place at the club’s February business meeting on Tuesday 11th Feb. For anyone who sent us a stamped envelope for an answer sheet, we expect these to be posted out on Thursday 13th Feb so you should receive it shortly afterwards.

If you missed the quiz this year, it is still available to buy online although of-course it’s now too late to enter to win a prize. It is however still great fun and the £1.50 donation to charity will be put to great use.

In December Peterborough Lions Club members took time out to raise finds desperately needed for the Typhoon Haiyan disaster.

Most of the funds raised by Peterborough Lions Club are spent on charitable and community causes within the Peterborough area, but a small proportion is held back to support International projects through the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) which is able to direct money raised around the world through Lions Clubs located in disaster areas, ensuring that it is put to good use by local Lions.

The Lions Club Charity Dinner was held at Maharani’s Restaurant in Hampton Hargate (by kind permission of Mr M Farooq) and attended by local Lions and their partners and friends (including honorary Peterborough Lion the Mayor of Peterborough, Cllr June Stokes). On this occasion the sole aim was to raise money to help people affected by the super typhoon Haiyan, and through it and other fundraising efforts Peterborough Lions were able to present a cheque for £1,000 to the UK Lions’ Haiyan Appeal, where it will be used to provide essential water filtration kits. UK Lions combined have pledged £200,000 to this cause, sufficient to purchase 1,000 filtration kits. Lions around the world have contributed $500,000 including funds raised by the Orient and South East Asia Lions and those contributed via LCIF.

For more information about Lions, including donations to the Haiyan appeal or joing Peterborough Lions, please contact us.

Peterborough Lions prides itself on working hard within the local community, and that is where the vast majority of our fundraising is directed.

However, Peterborough Lions is only one of the many many Lions clubs around the world, and sometimes events outside our community – and indeed outside the UK – have a major impact that require that Lions from around the world to work together. The recent Super Typhoon Haiyan is one such even, affecting many thousands in the Philippines.

Peterborough Lions is a proud supporter of LCIF – Lions Clubs International Foundation – which amongst other things coordinates support from Lions around the world at times like these. LCIF has approved US$130,000 from the LCIF Disaster Relief Fund, to which the the Lions of the Orient and South East Asia have added US$370,000.

LCIF does not simply send money overseas and hope for the best. Working with local Lions, LCIF is able to ensure that the hard raised funds – itself hard earned by those who donated them – deliver genuine benefits where they are desperately needed.

If you would like to make a donation, you can do so via our BT Donate page. To ensure that it is used specifically to support LCIF’s Disaster Relief Fund, please make the donation then contact us to let us know how you would like the donation to be used.

Thank you.


The Mayor of Peterborough (and Peterborough Lion) Cllr June Stokes visited the Lions’ stall in Tesco, Werrington on Saturday 14th September to get one of this year’s Peterborough Lions Quiz leaflets. (Of-course she could have bought one online but that wouldn’t have made for such a good photo opportunity!)

The quiz has been one of our main fundraising activities for over 20 years (the club itself being over 40 years old, over which time it has collected and distributed half a million pounds to local charitable causes). Additionally, the quiz has helped several local charities and other voluntary groups raise over £50,000 by selling them on a 50/50 basis through charity shops, church halls, scouting venues, etc.

As Mayor of Peterborough, “Lion June” is not able to attend many Lions’ meetings or events but is keen to promote our efforts to raise funds, with the focus this year on a bladder scanner for Peterborough Hospital and amenities for Phoenix Special Needs School, alongside a myriad of smaller commitments, and Peterborough Lions Club is proud to have the current mayor as one of our members.

The latest Lions Quiz entitled “Adam’s Ale” is on sale priced £1.50. Peterborough Lions Club thanks Tesco for their invitation, and also both Sainsbury and both Morrison supermarkets where quiz leaflet sales have or will take place. Sales venues will operate at Morrisons Lincoln Road (4th-6th October), Morrisons Cardea Stanground (19th-20th October) and Sainsbury Oxney Road (24th November). After that, Santa and his elves will be about with the annual Christmas Carol Float, where quiz leaflets are always available to anyone who asks (ideal for inserting into Christmas cards!)

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Peterborough Lions Quiz 2013

Peterborough Lions Quiz 2013 “Adam’s Ale”

For the first time ever, our Quiz is available to buy online!

If you don’t get chance to come and see us to buy one in person – or you bought one already but want more – you can now buy them directly from this website. The quiz costs £1.50 each, and as well as giving you several hours of entertainment and helping us raise funds for great causes around Peterborough and further afield, you also stand he chance of winning up to £100 in prize money!

Simply click the Store link in the menu, and buy as many as you like for a fixed £1 delivery and handling charge. Payments (by credit or debit card) are taken on our behalf by PayPal so you can be sure your card details are safe.

At the September Peterborough Lions business meeting, we were given an interesting and thought provoking presentation from Tom Hudson following his placement in Bohol in the Philippines. Tom was fortunate to be selected to take place in the 3 month International Citizen Service project, aimed at 18-25 year olds around the world, working in projects in 24 of the world’s poorest countries. Peterborough Lions were happy to support Tom in his efforts to raise the £800 sponsorship required to take part .

Tom’s placement was with the international development charity VSO, which works in 14 countries mostly in Asia and Africa. Working with BISU university in Bohol, Tom worked on environmental education projects, including work with seaweed farmers, high school students, and environmental sanitation campaign attended by 1500+ people.

In an unexpected twist to the meeting Tom also captured a large spider in the course of his Q&A, returning it to nature outside the meeting much to the relief of several arachnophobes in attendance! Never a dull moment!


Peterborough Lions’ famous (infamous?) 2013 quiz leaflet will shortly be upon us – are you ready?

The theme is a closely guarded secret – they won’t even tell me the colour of the paper its printed on this year! What I can tell you is that it will first be on sale at Sainsburys in Bretton on Friday 30th August (a full list of dates is below). I’m very tempted to run a sweepstake on how many people will say to us “is it that time again already?”

Don’t forget that as well as being a lot of fun, the Peterborough Lions Quiz is one of our most successful fundraising activities each year, so please give us your support!

Quiz Leaflet Sale Dates:

  • August
    • Friday 30th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Sainsbury’s Bretton
    • Saturday 31st Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Sainsbury’s Bretton
  • September
    • Sunday 1st Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Sainsbury’s Bretton
    • Saturday 14th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Tesco Werrington
    • Sunday 15th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Tesco Werrington
  • October
    • Friday 4th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Morrison’s Lincoln Road
    • Saturday 5th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Morrison’s Lincoln Road
    • Sunday 6th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Morrison’s Lincoln Road
    • Saturday 19th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Morrison’s Stanground
    • Sunday 20th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Morrison’s Stanground
  • November
    • Sunday 24th Lions Quiz Sheet sales – Sainsbury’s Oxney Road

If none of those dates suit you please get in touch and we’ll do what we can to sort something out.

The Peterborough Lions that you know and love is but a small cog in the Lions International machine. As a club we primarily work in our own community, but as an organisation the Lions do good work all around the world.

2013/14 Lions International President Barry Palmer is the first Australian to take the post. His background is like that of many Peterborough Lions – stumbling across a Lions fundraising project by accident, taking the time to find out more, and subsequently joining the club – just one of the ordinary people doing amazing things. This ordinary person is now the president of one of the greatest volunteer organisations in the world.

You can find out more on this video biography about how Barry Palmer became Lion Barry Palmer and now, many years on, Lions International President Barry Palmer. And then, maybe you can start your own story by contacting us about becoming a Lion.

Location location location….

Peterborough Lions are moving!

OK, maybe that’s over stating it… For some time we’ve had a garage unit that allows us to store display boards etc but we’ve outgrown it and thanks to the generosity of a local supporter we’ve been able to move to a new unit.

On the face of it, this might not be particularly interesting to Peterborough Lions’ many supporters, but it’s easy to forget how much effort goes into the events that Peterborough Lions organises or attends, and the high value this places on our members (all of whom are unpaid volunteers) who are prepared to give up time at weekends for something as menial as shifting boxes and shelving from one place to another.

You might think that this is where the excitement ends – but you’d be wrong! Next week we get to sort through everything and organise things now that we have some space to move!

So next time you see one of us collecting money, selling quiz leaflets, or doing any of the many other things that Lions do in Peterborough and across the UK (and indeed all around the world) you may understand why sometimes we look quite tired…


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