Archive for 'Peterborough Lions Quiz'

The time has finally come to announce the winners of the 2024/25 “All At Sixes And Sevens” Quiz!

Getting all 100 answers correct and winning cash prizes, were:

  • 1st Prize (£200): H Catling (Peterborough)
  • 2nd Prize (£100): T Higgs (Peterborough)
  • 3rd Prize (£50): D Blundell (Northants)

Runners-Up Mugs are on their way to: J Milne (Cornwall), G Healey (Northants), M Clarke (North Yorks), S Harris (Lincs), J Watkins (Peterborough), L Tozer (Peterborough), T Bass (Peterborough)

And with the announcement of the winners comes that all important answer sheet which is now available to download here:

How did you get on this year?

Thank you to everyone who supported the quiz, whether by selling it for us (or for another group on a 50:50 basis) or by putting your hands in your pockets to pay for one. This is a major fundraiser for us and we’re extremely grateful for your continued support.

You can now place a pre-order for the 2025/26 quiz in our store – where you can also buy past copies of the quiz to tide you over until September.

September is here, and that can only mean one thing!

Yes, our annual quiz sheet is now on sale. Titled “All At Sixes And Sevens”, it brings you the usual 100 questions, this time across a range of subjects but with all the answers comprising only words of 6 or 7 letters in length.

It remains at £2, and you have the chance to win up to £200 in cash or one of our wonderful, limited edition runners-up mugs. But of course that’s just secondary to hours of brain challenging fun and your chance to help us with one of our main fundraisers of the year!

You can buy online in our store (where you can also obtain any past issues you may have missed), or from one of several local stockists (the list will be updated as we get the stock out to them). If you’d like to help us sell them please get in touch, we’ll be eternally grateful and you’ll be increasing the amount of good work in and around Peterborough that your local Lions Club can achieve!

Finally, the time has come to release the answers to the Peterborough Lions Club 2022/23 “Altered Images” quiz, and to tell you who won the cash prizes. Which of those is most important to you may well depend on whether you’re one of the ten named below!

We had over 1000 sheets returned, so huge thanks are due to the team of markers who whittled them down to just 49 100% correct sheets in time for the draw last night.

The winners were:

  • 1st Prize (£100): G. Utting (London)
  • 2nd Prize (£75): D. Prisk (Newborough, Peterborough)
  • 3rd Prize (£50): C. Pairman (Tillicoultry)
  • 4th Prize (£25): B. Canham (Stamford)
  • Runners up (£10 winners):
    • D. Nash (Gloucestershire)
    • H. Burrow (Longthorpe, Peterborough)
    • J. Watkins (Stamford)
    • B. Hoffmann (Orton Wistow, Peterborough)
    • P. Utting (Bretton, Peterborough)
    • C. Brown (Castor, Peterborough)

Were you one of the lucky ten? If not, were you one of the unlucky 39 who got 100% but missed out in the final draw, or did you get one or two wrong? You can now download the answers and check for yourself. While you’re at it, you can pre-order the 2023-24 quiz so that you’re amongst the first to receive it in September, giving you the best chance of making the winner’s list next year!

It’s been 9 months in the making but our latest quiz sheet has landed!

Something a little bit different this year: “Altered Images” gives you 100 cropped images, can you tell us who, what or where they are? There should be something for everyone, but can you get every one? We look forward to seeing your answers as they come in between now and January when the quiz closes.

You can buy them straight away in our online store, and they’ll be finding their way to our local stockists over the coming days – we’ll share our stockists map in due course.

Happy quizzing!

Are you fed up with “It’s About Time” being shoehorned into everything we post yet? Well, it’s coming to an end now, so you can surely indulge us one more time.

Now that the quizzes are marked and prizes awarded, the final answer sheet, including any alternates we accepted from your returned entries, has been released.

You can find the answers to this, and previous quizzes, on our Past Quizzes page. And now that “It’s About Time” has been relegated to “Past Issue” status, we’re working hard on the next quiz for release in September. Don’t want to miss it? You can pre-order now from our store, where you can also pick up any past issues you may have missed.

Thank you so much for your support in raising over £4,000 for great causes!

It’s About Time!

It’s good to get back to some semblance of normality after 2020! Our “It’s About Time” quiz sales are heading back in the right direction – raising over £4000 so far – and we had over 500 returned to us for marking of which 60 were 100% correct. We managed to avoid any errata – so not quite back to normal there – and have now completed marking and can share both the answers and the list of winners.

First things first, then: the prize draw took place at the Club’s February business meeting (Tuesday 8th), and the winners are:

  • First Prize (£100): S Hicks (Gunthorpe, Peterborough)
  • Second Prize (£75): R Martin (Orton Wistow, Peterborough)
  • Third Prize (£50): J Smith (Hoddesdon, Herts)
  • Fourth Prize (£25): C Roper (Alnwick, Northumberland)
  • Runners up (£10 winners):
    • C Twydell (Ashford, Kent)
    • C Harrop (Oundle)
    • A Wade (Folkestone, Kent)
    • N Griffiths (Grantham, Lincs)
    • C Chinnery (Peterborough)
    • S Blenkhorn (Hanslope, Bucks)

Well done to all the winners, commiserations to everyone else – especially the other 50 who returned 100% correct sheets! Prizes are on their way to you – check your email (if you gave us an address) for more info.

Answer sheets are heading out to those who requested them by post, or you can download the answers below.

Once again, thank you to everyone who took part, for the feedback we received, and for the advance orders for the 2022/23 quiz (to be released in September).

We’re already busy working on the new quiz, and if you haven’t already you can pre-order a copy using the form on the answer sheet, or save money by pre-ordering via our store. In the meantime you will find lots of past copies to keep you entertained until September!

Thank you to everyone who bought our 2021/2 “It’s About Time” quiz sheet. The closing date for prize-draw entries has now passed (although you can still buy this and many of our previous quizzes just for fun).

We received over 500 competition entries so now the task of marking them begins so that the prize draw can take place. Then we can share the final set of answers (adjusted to include any extra answers we find amongst yours that we deem to be valid alternatives), which usually takes around a month from the closing date.

We cannot overstate how grateful we are to everyone who took part, this is a major source of fundraising for the club. And thank you for the wonderful comments we got along the way!

Time for a breather? Not a chance – work is already underway for the 2022 quiz to be released in September!

This year the Royal British Legion marks its centenary – that’s 100 years supporting service men and women, ex-serving personnel and their families.

Pictured: Lions Shelter at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire

Today, as the 2021 Poppy Appeal launches, we are proud to announce that, as last year, we will be donating 50% of all “It’s About Time” quiz sheet sales via this website to the appeal. That’s 75p from each sheet sold between now and Sunday 14th November (Remembrance Sunday).

If you’ve not yet got around to picking up a copy of this year’s quiz, this is the perfect time to do so. (If you already have a copy, why not treat friends and family?)

We’re also extending this to sales of any past issues of our quiz sheets, so if you missed Sweet Tooth or any other sheet from the past few years now is a great time to rectify that!

You can buy copies here – £1 is charged for postage and card fees no matter how many you order (£3 for international orders).

Thank you in advance for your support.

What a long Quiz Sheet season it’s been! Launched in September as always, we extended the closing date to March to allow a longer selling window due to the pandemic, and after weeks of marking and verifying alternative answers we finally reached the point you’ve all been waiting for – and the draw for winners was carried out at last night’s business meeting.

The winners are:

  • First Prize (£100): P Guscott (Tiverton)
  • Second Prize (£75): C Pairman (Tillicoultry)
  • Third Prize (£50): B Stone (Crawley)
  • Fourth Prize (£25): K Whitehouse (Newcastle upon Tyne)
  • Runners up (£10 winners):
    • R Ainscough (Pickering, N Yorks)
    • A Granville (Orton Wistow)
    • N Houston Davies (Deeping St James)
    • D Prisk (Newborough)
    • D Hedison (Mansfield)
    • J Pugh (Cardiff)

Well done to all the winners, commiserations to everyone else – especially the rest of the 36 who returned 100% correct sheets!

Answer sheets are heading out to those who requested them by post, or you can download the answers below.

Once again, thank you to everyone who took part. We’ve had some lovely feedback – it seems to have been the ideal topic* to keep you busy during the Christmas lockdown away from friend and family.

We’re off to put our efforts into the 2021/22 quiz – you can pre-order a copy using the form on the answer sheet and it’ll be available for pre-order via our store shortly. In the meantime you will find lots of past copies to keep you entertained until September!

* Pun intended!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Sweet Tooth Quiz!

The closing date for entries has now passed, although we will continue selling it – and other past issues – in our store for fun and fundraising. You can also – if you’re quick – enter our Easter Egg draw!

If you still want a chance to win a cash prize, we also have a limited number of Clacton-On-Sea Lions quiz sheets available – you have a few weeks left to find the names of 100 Transport for London station names from their fun and cryptic clues!

See our store for more details!

Marking of the Sweet Tooth quiz is progressing well. The answer sheet won’t be finalised until that process completes (so we can add any alternative answers you’ve sent us that we’ve researched and deemed correct). The prize draw is planned to take place at our next club Business Meeting on 13th April, shortly after which the winners list and answers will be released and shared here and on our Facebook page.

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