This year our club is fifty years old, so a free 50 question quiz made sense. But 50 is only half the fun of 100, so following the success of our April “Stay Home” free quiz we’ve decided to keep your brains occupied in May as well with this second “Lights, Camera, Lockdown!” freebie.
50 movies to watch during lockdown, but first you will have to work out what they are. Then, to complete the challenge, you then have to have watched them all by the end of the month when we release the answers!
Do you think you can do that? Maybe you’ve watched most of them already?
Feel free to share with friends and family, on social media, or to print out for those without access to a computer.
More information about this and our annual fundraising quiz sheets can be found here, and if you need more questions you can buy past copies of our quiz, or pre-order this year’s, from our new store.
And don’t forget you can still download our first free “Stay Home” quiz if you missed it!
Have fun!