It can’t really be that time again already, can it?
But yes, it is – the Peterborough Lions 2016 Quiz Sheets are now on sale! A highlight of the year for many people, and an chance to bang heads against the wall in frustration for others, it’s always a fantastic opportunity to test those brain cells and help us raise money for fantastic causes.
As usual you’ll be able to pick up a copy from one of several local shops and charities (if you’d like to support us by selling the quiz please get in touch), or directly from us in person at one of several locations throughout the city over the next couple of months, particular when we’re out with the Carol Float nearer to Christmas – our diary will have locations and dates when they’re available. You can also buy them online (£1 postage charge applies no matter how many you buy, and we still have some from previous years available if you missed them).
For 2016 we’re “Out and About in the U.K.” for our theme, with answers relating to places to visit and events to see around the United Kingdom. A sample to get you started: do you know which is the largest gothic cathedral in England? (Two word answer, 4 and 7 letters respectively.) I’ll be honest – I didn’t know the answer, but I do now as that sample is already filled in for you, so if you’re stuck you can always buy the quiz just to find out!
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You only have until 16th January to get your answers to us, so don’t delay in hunting us down and buying one (or more). We desperately need your help in raising money for wonderful causes, including for a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) device for kidney cancer research, a hearing dog for a deaf child, and for Addenbrooke’s Hospital, amongst others.
So massive thank-yous in advance for your support, and good luck!
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