We’ve had hundreds of completed quizes returned to us this year – thank you to everyone who bought a quiz leaflet for your support!
The question now is how many of those completed quizes have the correct answers, and who will win the prizes? Marking is underway, and the answer list is growing as we discover the perfectly valid answers that people have come up with that we’d not thought of ourselves… As long as the answer is valid (on which the quiz organisers decision is final, of-course!) we will accept alternative answers so don’t worry if your four letter answer to “small stream” is different from ours!
Once the quizes have been marked and a final set of acceptable answers has been reached, we will have a draw for the winners and the prizes (and answer sheets) will be winging their way out to people. The draw will take place at the club’s February business meeting on Tuesday 11th Feb. For anyone who sent us a stamped envelope for an answer sheet, we expect these to be posted out on Thursday 13th Feb so you should receive it shortly afterwards.
If you missed the quiz this year, it is still available to buy online although of-course it’s now too late to enter to win a prize. It is however still great fun and the £1.50 donation to charity will be put to great use.